Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 1 Round 2

I am starting Round 2 today. I am gorging- although I don't really gorge very well. I am disappointed with my starting weight because I have just been a psycho pig eater the last month. I think it's because I knew I was going to start round 2, "So what's a few extra pounds?" I have to remember that hcg will help me lose and reset my metabolism, but if I eat like a 400 pound man I. WILL. GAIN. I am still down 13 pounds of the 21 I lost and I still fit in my clothes, but now instead of wanting to just lose "10 more" I need to lose 18. :( That's what happens when you eat fast food almost everyday. Football season is killin' me! haha
But today is another day and I'm ready to do this! I am going to the grocery store to get chicken tenders, lettuce, cucumbers, etc... I'm also getting bottled water because that seems to be the only way I'll remember to drink it.
On a funny note: I told my husband that if I got a tummy tuck I'd probably drop 5 pounds right there. His response? "Yeah. Probably." I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I think I did both! When he realized what he said he was like, "Sorry babe! I wasn't paying attention to what you said!" Like NOT LISTENING to me was going to save him. haha
Wish me luck!

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