Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 3 no drops (aka Phase 3)

For the first 72 hours off of drops you're still suppose to follow the 500 calorie plan while all the drops work their way out of you system. My last drops were 11am on Monday- because I forgot to take them that evening. So, technically at 11am today I am free to start eating more. But I'm scared!! I'm starting to think the drops were my security blanket. I do so much better when I'm told, "This is all you can eat, in this amount." Now it's like I'm more in the real world- minus sugar and starches- and I'm scared!!
I DID totally screw up on Tuesday. We were at Six Flags all day. I ate a turkey sandwich, a funnel cake and some shrimp that was so good from Panda Express. I was hoping the 2 mile walk with my dog that morning, then all the walking that day would even it out. Nope. I gained 2.5 pounds. Boo. I know it's because there were still drops in my body, because really, my calories weren't that high. I mean, I shared the funnel cake with 2 other people. ;) So, I only ate an apple and some shrimp last nite. I also took the kids on a bike ride, & hiking on a trail with the dog. I haven't weighed this morning yet... I'm nervous. I'm such a dork. But I will weigh in a little while...
I'm nervous to start eating more, but I know I need to learn to eat normally again. I just SO don't wanna gain weight. I know if I continue to play basketball, take long walks with my dog, and eat good food, then I should be ok. I guess I'm not really excited about eating more because I can't eat a bowl of cereal yet or a slice of pizza. I really want a bowl of Frosted Cheerios. Is that so wrong? ;)
Anyway... I'll update thru out the maintenance phase. I'm hoping to not have to do a "steak day" at all. See, thru out maintenance I have to weigh myself every day. If my weight is more 2 pounds more or less than my weight on the last day of hcg, then I only drink lots of water and eat a big steak (8-14 oz.) that nite. Then have an apple or raw tomato. This should even my weight out the next day. The idea is training my body to recognize the new "normal" weight. You know how you kind of get "stuck" on a weight? That's what this diet is suppose to help do- fix your metabolism and help your body find it's new normal weight.
I am still trying to decide whether to do a short 23 day round when I get back from vacation. Of course, what I weigh when I get back may decide for me!


Klin said...

I started maintenance on June 21st. I struggled to keep it right at my current weight I didn't gain over 2 lbs, it was just finding the groove of how much I could eat. When we went on vacay I did great until the drive home. I did the steak day on Sunday. It was easy. I slept all day and got up for dinner.

Last night I pigged out. I swear I did. I had 2 eggs and 3 strips of bacon for breakfast. Spaghetti squash with no sugar added spaghetti sauce with parmesan cheese. I had 1 1/2 cups of spaghetti squash to cover. Then I went to Iggy's and had a Monterey Chicken Salad. A whole one. I ate some bread, just a 2 inch piece off their loaf they bring out and one of hub's french fries. Yes just one. I savored it.

I got up this morning a bit scared to weigh. I LOST ONE LB!!!

I did a mid afternoon weight today and I am barely at my weight I am supposed to maintain- with all my clothes on, mid-day, when I usually weight more. I even cheated yesterday per the maintenance rules.

We should go to Iggy's for you to have that fabulous salad.

Klin said...

I am going for another 23 day round in August. I hope to lose at least 15 more lbs. I'll get the drops ordered from you soon. Waiting for pay day.

Tori :) said...

You go girl!!!!